Friday, December 31, 2010

More Gift Art, etc

Probably the final art post for 2010 (still a couple more news posts tonight)!  Featuring more photomorphs from nugget in Gift Art.  Speaking of which, nugget would like you to know that he will take requests for transformation subjects (actresses, etc) - provided it's related to mouse/rat, rabbit or donkey.  You can leave requests in the comments section of this thread.

I also have a new pin-up of Mac and Meg on the Growing Up Gecko page.  Hope to get more of them in the next year.  I thought I had a post about this page previously, but can't find anything on it.

As always, any related gift art is appreciated and will be proudly displayed here.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Cluedog - Stocking Stuffers

As promised....a Christmas surprise.  In fact, a little Christmas miracle from none other than artist extraordinaire Cluedog!  Envisioned partly as a sequel to Bust Stop, it also gives us a good opportunity to see Mistress Arianna in another form.  She'll take on whatever look she needs in order to make the sale...and let's face it, wouldn't you rather buy something special from her than from some old kook wearing a bathrobe?

I give you "Stocking Stuffers!" 

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Solios - Slaves to Fashion

You know I had to revisit these characters one more time before the end of the year.  Welcome back Gany and Hank by Solios.

Hank:  “Frankly, all I’m saying is that I can’t really see the point of getting up earlier than we would for class and spending a morning at the shops…that’s kinda the point behind e-shopping.”

Gany: “Because it’s important to try before you buy.  Besides, half the fun is rifling through a neat pile and leaving a mess for some underpaid bimbo to sort out.”

Hank:  “Especially if that ‘underpaid bimbo’ happened to be the TA who gave you a D in bio-chem last quarter?  Not as if any of their standard outfits would fit - all our clothes this year have been special orders.”

Gany:  “Well….yeah – and why does it take twice as long for my custom orders to come in as it does for yours?”

Hank: “I think half the delay is caused by waiting for the stock clerks to stop laughing when they see your reference pics.”

Gany: “That’s the last time you touch my camera.  Now walk faster, I don’t want my coffee to get cold.”

Hank:  (laughing) “Just you wait till my reimbursement check comes…then we’ll see who carries whose coffee.”

CobaltK - Instant Poodle-Girl

Like the title says - no process here.  I've been taking advantage of the holiday cheer and cheap one-off commissions from a number of artists (more on the way) to get a few quickies of some favorite designs ;p

Naturally I had to get at least one more poodle-girl before the end of the year and CobaltK was more than happy to oblige me!

Tres chic non?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

New Gift Art....and More!

A few things this evening.  Up first are some brand new pieces of gift art from new artist Nugget.  No site yet for this artist, but here's hoping we'll see more of them on DA, or elsewhere in the future.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Powerman2000 - Thanksgiving Surprise

I sort of had big plans for this one originally, but I never really got around to writing up anything solid.  Then the opportunity to commission it arose and I didn't really have anything prepared...but I knew what I really wanted to see...a turkey-girl!

(yeah, it was originally intended for a Thanksgiving theme, but I didn't start early enough).  As far as the story itself, I only gave Powerman2000 a bare shell to work with....not the best course of action when you're trying to do a comic - so I apologize for any lack of consistency.  I think it turned out wonderfully, but it's pretty much all down to the artist - I really only gave him the sequence of changes that I was looking for.

Got more on the way from him ;p  And hope to order some more in the future.  Enjoy!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

I'm Back!!!

Updates to follow today and tomorrow!

Thanks for being patient ;p 

Ready to handle donations again.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Out of Town

Meant to post this earlier, but got kept late at work today of all days.  Like it says....I'll be out of town for work all week long.  Should be back by Saturday afternoon.  Basically that means that I won't be responding to much email - limited access via my phone - and most particularly, I won't be able to respond to donations until next weekend.  So, apologies in advance for any hassle.

And once more, I'll reiterate - I've gotten a few donations like this - if you don't tell me which sequence you'd like - either in the paypal note or in a follow-up email, you won't get anything.  I email every person who sends me a donation like this - but I've still got a few people who've never responded.  Happy to send you whichever sequence you'd like to see, but I can't read your mind.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Zanfadar/Engineskye - Now With More Pink!

Like the title says, thought this sequence would look better with a little color....Definitely works for me.  What do you think?  Lines by Zanfadar, colors by Engineskye.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Synthean - So Which One Of Them Took The Placebo?

We have a new artist on display here at Transformation Repository today.  You've probably seen his work around the web before if you're a big animal TF fan.  I'd seen it here and there for years but only recently was able to find his direct gallery location and contact the man himself for a commission.  So appearing for the first time (and hopefully not the last), I present Synthean!

The concept here is a little pharmaceutical trial to see what if anything we can do about that ever-present self-esteem issue that so many young folks seem to suffer from these days.  In this case, it happened to require a counter-example that could be used as definitive proof that the psychological could be purely distilled by the use of a pill.  Perhaps not completely unexpected to the regular fan, the stockholders and board members of TransRepo Industries may be slightly taken aback by the physical side-effects.  But hey - to make an omelet, you've got to break a few eggs!

For what it's worth, the young woman on the right is our project developer's niece - perpetually miserable it seems.  On the left however, is the CEOs daughter - we always figured it wouldn't hurt her to be taken down a notch....or several.  Did we make the right call - let us know in the comments section.

General Update....Art Contest, etc.

Just a few minor notes here:

First off - just about one month left in Art Contest #3 - so keep those pens scratching away!  A LOT of folks have expressed their artistic intentions about this contest to me - so I'm really hoping for a good selection of entries this time.  Let's have a real competition ;p

Remember - art contest entries can be submitted any time prior to the deadline - as early as you want to - no need to wait till the last minute.  I'll post them as I receive them, but I will also post links to them in all future art contest updates to make sure all viewers have a chance to see them.

Next, I'm trying a few more tweaks to the website including favorite posts, additional comments (you don't need to have an account to comment now - but it'd help me out if you could sign them (if on an anonymous login) - prefer to still have an accurate idea about number of unique commenters.  More on that as new projects are posted.

I've also added an additional Donation Art Widget to the side - hopefully a nice combination to keep new visitors aware of all the features ongoing at the site.  Very serious about my intentions to have more sequences available by the end of the year.  Thanks again for the donations and support.

Finally, one cute little Gift Art update from Pink-Diapers.  Be sure to check it out if you like ABs.

And keep voting on what new sequences you want to see - any specific requests about the votes or future requests - post them in comments...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Donation Project - First Month Summary

Well folks, things have actually turned out pretty well for the first month of the donation project. 

Total Contributors:  53
Total Giving:  $577 - $33.47 in paypal fees.
Total for Artists: $179.05

New commissions (complete or in progress) at least partially funded by donations: 4 (at least)

And if you contributed and have had any technical issues trying to download/view any of the files, by all means, please give me a heads up.  I also still have at least one donor who did not list which project they wanted...and hasn't responded to any emails.  If that happens to be you - please drop me a line.  thrandrall[at]

I'm aiming to have additional projects suitable for the project also in place by the beginning of the year - hopefully.  I respond to feedback when I get it so please feel free to drop a line if there are specific things you would like to see - and please vote in the current poll as well.

I realize I haven't really done a great job of advertising this all if you have friends who are interested in this kind of art, by all means, please push them this way...I aim to please by providing some of the best content available out there to match some of the most varied tastes ;p

Lots more to come in this month and in 2011!

Thanks again for all the support!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Snareser - Just a Few of My Favorites...

What was one type of pic project with snareser morphed into something a little different...still comic-character related.  These tight little color portraits represent just a few of my favorite characters.  The original character line-up was a little different and slightly more theme-oriented, but this group won out for the final set of pics this time.  Enjoy 'em - and check out the books!

Zanfadar - Another Hot Little Poodle-Girl!

Wow....this one turned out so well...very, very cute.  Zanfadar really knows his stuff in producing some tight work very quickly and efficiently!  Don't need to say too much more here...this is just a classy piece that speaks (or barks) for itself ;p

Monday, November 29, 2010

Dumb question(?) I anticipate getting in a number completed commissions in the near future...some of which will require considerably more user feedback than previously - is it possible that a primary reason for the lack of comments is that viewers aren't registered or have google email addresses - and are therefore unable to leave comments even if they are so inclined?  Or do you guys just not care about giving me feedback that can improve the quality of projects displayed here?

Considering the former reason, I have - for the time being - changed the settings to allow anyone to post comments here.  Obviously if things go south - as is always possible, I will modify the settings again - but I hope that this will encourage detailed feedback.


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Guardian-Draca - Foolish Human! Exercise Does Not Work That Way!

Ok, that title was a fairly weak take on Morbo from sounded funnier in my head ;p 

Anyhoooo, it's way past time that I got another WG sequence up here, and it couldn't come from a better source.  The ever-classy Guardian-Draca has got a beautiful sequence for you.  No real story in mind here, just an interesting progression of growth.  In the future, I'll need to start developing these sequences as much as I do with the TFs, etc - but for the moment, I think it turned out beautifully (check out the variations in perspective!) - just one more thing to be thankful for this year ;p

New Additions to the Collection....AND a New Poll! - final edit :(

It's been pretty slow the last few weeks - holiday period and all.  I hope all the American viewers out there have had a great Thanksgiving this weekend.  Mine hasn't been too bad all things considered.  For all the non-US folks out there - no Thanksgiving, but things are starting to wind down for the year in most places.  I imagine all the students are prepping for exams, final papers, etc.

At any rate, a few new additions tonight.  First up, there's a new piece of gift art from Zanfadar.  One of my favorite subjects as usual ;p - I think we can expect a good number of commissions from this fine artist in the near future.

Next is a color piece by Snareser of a great comic character - "I am the Law!"....that's right - Judge Dredd.  We'll probably see more of him in the future as well.

Clearly - there was some mistake with my first version of this post...namely, I forgot the actual poll.

By the time you read this, there should be a poll posted to the *left* of the page.  I am interested in seeing what people are most interested in seeing in future commissions - which type of process is most lacking.  I'm listing the primary ones that interest me.  The one with the most votes by New Years Day 2011 will be used in my first featured commission of 2011 (not necessarily the first one posted depending on size and artist).

If you don't see anything listed that interests you or you would like to clarify regarding your vote - feel free to post a comment with more details - I read everything you guys post.  Again, I realize that some of those topics are pretty broad, so if there are specific things you're interested in seeing in a sequence, let me know here - keeping in mind of course my "general" preferences regarding copyrighted characters, etc (see also my art contest rules...although I'm flexible when discussion is involved).


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Taste of Things To Come

Just a quick post to show you that things are progressing.  As you may have noticed, the pending commissions section is growing even if there hasn't been as much to post lately. 

So, to wet your appetite, a brief set of "work in progress" pics.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Interim Update - Check This Stuff Out!

Apologize again for the lack of recent updates.  As you can see from the "Pending Commission" tab, the number of projects in progress is increasing, however it will be a little while yet before some of these come to fruition.

In the meantime, I highly recommend checking out some of the side projects by artists featured on this site.

First up - Cluedog - has put out a beautiful collection of the first 3 issues (nearly 100 pages) of his incredible original comic series "Opey the Warhead" - featuring the world's only living nuclear warhead and his post-apocalyptic adventures.  I've mentioned it at least once before on this site - but I cannot recommend this comic highly enough.  Very funny, very touching, with more of Cluedog's incredibly expressive art than you can shake a stick at - more than worth the price (very good quality printing).  The series is temporarily on hiatus while the man works on his new series "Miss Doomsday" - but I don't think there's any question that we'll be seeing more of Opey in the future.  There are just too many unanswered questions.

Next up is a tight sketch book being put out by Snareser this holiday season - details here.  52 pages of full-color art, and the price includes shipping.  If you've only checked out Snareser's tg commissioned art here and elsewhere, you're doing yourself a disservice - especially if you're a comic book fan.  This guy has got some real talent and it shows.  I've only posted a couple comic character commissions from him so far, but I've got more in the works and you can see a massive variety of characters on his DA page any time.  The best part of this offer is that your book will come with a unique black and white bust/head-shot on the back cover of any character you choose.

Lastly, one of the most interesting webcomics out there - certainly the most dense ongoing one I've ever come across - I gotta recommend "Among The Chosen" by master visionary Solios.  For new readers, it's pretty much imperative to start with the second book - The Dualist - this is one massive work in progress, but trust me, once it picks up, it really gets going.  A great combination of intelligent writing and excellent art, it's an excellent yarn.

Monday, November 1, 2010

A New Project - Part 1

If you check around the different pages, you may notice some new updates on the "Donation Art" page.

I'm trying something new.  I don't know how well this will work, but I'd like to give it a shot - please humor me.  I enjoy commissioning art, almost as much as I enjoy supporting talented artists.

Featuring some new pieces by Engineskye,


and Snareser - please check it out.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Art Contest #3 - Alien Experimentation

Alright….time for the third Art Contest…this one is open to pretty much everything – within few thematic elements. It’s also a little smaller with a shorter deadline (given the holiday period), but hopefully will still be something many of you can work with.

The new deadline is midnight 3 January!
The primary theme here (as previously noted) is alien abduction/experimentation – looking back at some of the retro thematic tropes again. The beautiful woman abducted and experimented on by some horrible little green man or some such…what sorts of awful things will she be subjected to?

The People Have Spoken - 2

Thanks to everyone who voted this week (more than 2x as many as Contest 1!), the Viewers Choice Award for Contest #2 goes to Furmistress for her excellent TG sequence.

Reproduced below one more time:

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Engineskye - When Rocking The Vote Goes So Very, Very Wrong - Part 1

As all Americans (and pretty much the entire rest of the world) know, this is Election can practically smell the fear. 

Who knows who'll come out on top this time next Tuesday?  Does anyone care?  Naturally some folks do....I wish I hadn't been so busy that I ran out of time to request an absentee ballot - first time I've really needed one  (always been able to match my trips home with an early voting opportunity previously).

That said...with just a few days left, the pollsters and interns are hitting the pavement hard, trying to wrap up a few more independent votes while there's still time.  That's where we find ourselves as our story opens today...  (art by engineskye).

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Feedback Requested

Well, I'm always hoping to see comments on my commissions - and I'll be trying some new things pretty soon - but for the time being I need some opinions regarding my art contests.

I've had a grand total of 5 entries between 2 contests (although I've heard quite a bit of interest expressed every now and then from other folks).  Seems a little small compared to other contests I've seen offered by other folks - and just what I was expecting in general.

So the question is - any ideas what is keeping them down?  Is it the requests for multi-pic process sequences?  Is it the topics?  The timing?  Lack of advertising or contact issues?

I'm particularly surprised with this second contest since the topic was pretty broad - although I'll admit it ran for a considerably shorter period than the first one.

Basically, I'd like to try and narrow down what the *primary* issues[s] might be - before I issue the next challenge.  I've got a bunch of ideas to use - aside from the one I already mentioned briefly - but I'd prefer to use a subject that's more likely to wind up with a few more entries if possible.


Art Contest 2 - Monster Mash - Results!

Wow, I went to bed last night disappointed at an apparent complete lack of entries but woke up to two wonderful surprises in my inbox.

While the number of entries decreased since the last contest - a bit of a surprise since I'd heard numerous statements of interest and certainly tried to promote it more widely than the first contest (not to mention a more general subject matter), the caliber of the entries certainly didn't drop.  Both entries are stunning pieces of work and more than worth their prizes.

First Prize: Jacques00 with The Beast Within.

Second Prize: Furmistress with her witchy TG.

Now comes the part when all the rest of you need to participate - I've set up a poll - and by midnight 30 October, the entry with the most viewer votes will win an additional prize!  Just in time for Halloween!  Vote Early (but please don't vote often - this isn't a Democratic constitutency ;p) - please just one vote per person.

Stay tuned for details on the next art contest!  And thanks so much for playing.

Art Contest Entry - Jacques00

A stunning piece by Jacques00 - a woman attacked by a werewolf is transformed by the beast within!

Art Contest Entry - Furmistress

The first entry in this art contest is from Furmistress.

A great little pen and ink piece.

"The story here is that the evil little cat decided that that grumpy construction worker needed a little ah... modification, and *BOOP* suddenly, he's changing! As you can see, the cat is disinterested in the despair of our poor construction worker. It even takes a bath! But once she's all changed, he's quite self-satisfied. Now he has the perfect witchy companion!"

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Art Contest #2 - Last Call

Just a reminder - all entries are due by Monday midnight (pacific time).

A lot more projects on the way, but some are just taking longer than I was expecting.  Expect several updates this week though.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Art Contest #2 - Reminder

Just a heads up for any TF/TG artists viewing the site - there are now only about 1 1/2 weeks knock something out for the 2nd Art Contest.

Looking forward to those entries.

And as a teaser for Art Contest #3 - start thinking what you might do with the concept of "Alien Experimentation".  I'll post full details once #2 wraps up.

Solios - Presenting our Fall Collection for Exotically Shaped Young Women Everywhere

A great one-shot by Solios - although hardly a quickie in this case ;p  This concept was obviously the idea behind my earlier "Rodeo Queens" pic - but it took till now to find time to get it done.  But more than worth the wait if you ask me.

Pic below is higher rez than the DA version.  For your viewing pleasure.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Snareser - Hitman!

Snagged me a quick one-shot pic of Hitman by Snareser.  Love the character, love the comics.  Wish DC'd get off their butts and release the rest of the series in TPB format.

Pics like this or some of the other great stuff Snareser has done - check out his awesome Starman pic - make me feel like ordering more comic pin-ups for commissions as well.  Plan on getting this one framed with the DH horror pics I had done a little while back.  Might price 'em this weekend.

FurCo - The Perfect Outfit

Sometimes it just takes a while to pick out the perfect outfit.  Then when you think you've got it right...turns out *you* are the outfit.  Great little photomorph sequence by FurCo

A little different from some of my other projects, but turned out just how I was hoping.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Art Contest #2 - One Month Left

Just a heads up for all artists out there - just one month left before submissions are due for Art Contest #2.

Again, any questions about entry ideas, etc - just let me know.  Tossing around a couple ideas about including some DVDs along with the cash prizes - a little extra incentive, but I'll have more details before the contest ends.

Solios - TNN - The Turtle News Network

A "quickie" non-sequential pic Solios knocked out for me about a year ago.  It's about the closest I've come to using an official/non-original character....well until this fall.  I hope to blow your minds in a little while with something really amazing.

Not to take anything away from this current pic though - looks great.  I'd like to work on some more pics with girls w/shells (technically have a couple in the works somewhere...from someone else but no idea on current status).


Open for Business!

Announcing a new shop on the block:  "La De Baucherie Magique" has just opened up a new branch...somewhere near you ;p

Mistress Arianna la Tartana is older than she looks - but always young at heart.  She's been around for a while, seen it all, done most of it, but there's always folks who need what she's matter where or when.  If you ask nicely she may be able to fix your problems...but get on her bad side and you won't have a good day.  If you don't see it on the shelves, it doesn't hurt to ask...that stock room is a *lot* larger than it looks.  No returns or exchanges either - no exceptions.


Decided I needed a few more themes to tie some of my commissions together rather than having so many of them seemingly completely random.  Already have one by her complete and pending...more on the way and I'll be inserting her into other much potential! 

Pic by Engineskye

Sturkwurk - The Poodle Detective

Meet Vivienne Montagne de la Fuego.  Fetish model by day, by night she stalks the streets taking down criminal pervert scum as a vigilante known only as The Poodle.  Has this doggy bitten off more than she can chew this time?  As we join her for this week's adventure, she's cornered Mistress Haze in a secluded warehouse on the docks.....pity she forgot to pack the poodle-mask!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Arania - Limited Edition Ubb Boots

Oh....Black much wasted female TF potential.  Force me to use my imagination to fill in the gaps of sequences that should have been included ;p  Good thing Arania was available.

Oppaiman - Spilt Milk

Sometimes...not very often.....but sometimes you *should* cry over spilt milk - as Oppaiman shows us so clearly here.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

New Updates - Here, There and Everywhere...

Well, not quite everywhere...but both the Gift Art and Growing Up Gecko pages have been updated with more pics and info.  If you've followed my posts elsewhere, you may have seen some of them, but hopefully there are a few new surprises.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sturkwurk - So That's Why They Call It A Pornstache....

Continuing my [bad/irritating/interesting/overly repetitive/cool/*you tell me*] habit of commissioning similarly themed projects from different artists - I present "Pornstache Gone Wrong" by Sturkwurk.  Very happy how it turned out overall.  Investing in a few additional CGI models/resources for the artist was definitely worth it.

BoJay - Snow Angel

Just a little sequence from last year by AR and AB master artist BoJay.  Truly, they don't come looking any better than this.  Hope to work with him again in the future.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Solios - A New Challenger II - The Origin Story

Good buddy Solios has completed his excellent transformation sequence for Gany's development - and it's been quite a ride.

Presented below is a metamorphosis in four movements (including my original descriptive captions written up at the same time as I embraced the imagery in my imagination).  Absolutely gorgeous!


Hank: “I’m telling you, it’s not normal.  Nobody gains 50 pounds in a week.  Don’t tell me you haven’t heard the rumors about all those other students – my advanced programming class was half empty today.”

Gany: “Classes are always half empty on Friday mornings – how long have you been here again?  I can’t believe you’d take that gossip seriously.  If it makes you feel any better, we can swing by the clinic first thing Monday morning.  Truth be told, I’m feeling a bit of a cold coming on myself.

Hank: *sniffing* “I’m not surprised given the way you dress in this weather.  Say…do you smell cinnamon?”

Monday, September 6, 2010

Grim - Office Lolita

A little piece Grim worked on for me this summer.  I'm very pleased with how it turned out.

Doesn't really need any explanation ;p

Again, I would ask that you please link directly to this page if sharing with others - please do NOT post these pics on their own anywhere else.

Friday, September 3, 2010

TransformKnightmare - Poodle-girl by Stages

I think it goes without saying that TransformKnightmare's art style, particularly for depicting processes - is rather singular to say the least.  A little odd to be sure, but it works for me.

Which I suppose means more of the same when it comes to my interests ;p

Pretty soon, I may need to start tagging pic sets by more specific clothing types, etc.  We'll see.

LakeHylia - Modeling Ain't What It Used To Be....

LakeHylia (tlink and stacky) had the undisputed honor of being my first real WG/expansion commission.  I haven't really gotten around to doing as many of these as you might expect - due mainly to my tendency to combine (or attempt to combine) so many different ideas into a single piece.  Ddespite my interest in expansions - when it comes down to it, I prefer to commission ideas that are slightly more unusual.

That said, this piece turned out very well.  Definitely need to order more in the future.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Quick note

Just a quick note to apologize for the lack of updates lately.  Been very, very busy with work lately, and re-prioritizing some of my leisure time for a few other recreational activities ;p

Similarly, while I do have a number of large projects in the works, some of them are progressing considerably more slowly than I had anticipated....but they are coming.

I will continue posting older pieces too - at least a few this week.  Thanks for watching.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Oppaiman - Not All Bimbos are Blonde

A nifty little piece Oppaiman knocked out for me a few months back - no chance to post it until now.

Lovely work as usual - this artist seeming came out of nowhere just a few months back and has been knocking out quality work consistent as the noon-day sun - here's hoping he stays around for a while ;p

(Look for more commissions by him in the future!)

The People Have Spoken

Well, a hearty congratulations goes out to Engineskye - the people have voted his poodle-girl the best entry in the contest.

All prizes awarded - thanks so much for playing!  Good luck to all in the next contest.

Once more with feeling - his gorgeous entry:

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Engineskye - Bimbos, poodles, and cows - Oh My!

A nifty piece I commissioned from Engineskye at the beginning of the summer - been done for a while, but too busy to post it.

The implication is that each necklace will change the person wearing it into what it says.  Unfortunately the confluence of factors coming about when they come in contact with each other caused some....side effects.

Final pic is a bit naughtier than my normal and should be behind an additional page break - or not.

Pink-Diapers - The Bus Stop

One I've been sitting on for too long - too much trouble to come up with a  write up for every commission.  Let's just say while I like some AR, I really like AB a lot more - particularly with clothing and mental changes.

If it's not your type of - that's why I put it all under the break.

Great piece Pink-Diapers worked on for me (expect more in the future from her)!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Snareser - Another Poodle-Girl Commission

An older piece by Snareser that I commissioned last year.  All's fair in love and [chemical] warfare - especially when it does turn out to be faux fur ;p

Andrade - Girl's Night Out

A somewhat lengthy sequence (comparatively speaking) that is itself only a very abbreviated version of a larger project I've had in the works for quite a while - and will probably be while longer too.

Work by the talented Mr. Andrade.

Solios - A New Challenger Enters....

"A new challenger for what?" you may ask, "This isn't Street Fighter 2."

Why simply a new challenger for your hearts - isn't she just the sweetest thing folks?

Nicknaming her "Gany" - in my pathetic attempt to follow Solios' generally ambiguous naming conventions - though I was able to come up with at least two potentially realistic names from that.  She's my third collaboration with Solios on a non-cowgirl subject (udder-free) and I think she turned out beautifully.

After the awesome job he did with a turtle-girl and my gecko girls, I had to come up with another design that could focus his energies in a different direction... and what might an elephant-girl look like in his style?  Behold the answer.

Note:  These pics are just the stand-alone/slice-of-life pics that I initially commissioned - the transformation sequence will be posted at one time when all the sequences are complete.

Tsuji - Rodeo Queens

When I came across this gallery - I just knew I had to use this type of outfit in some commissions.  The first one to come through is this beautiful one-shot piece by Tsuji (no process - but still works for me ;p).

Hope you enjoy it too.

You can expect a few more "standalone" commissions from me in the future - every now and then, I don't need to have process in it to make it work for me. 

Snareser - A Series of Shorts

A series of short commissions I ordered from Snareser last fall.  Just variations on a theme with transformations and pin-up poses.  Nothing fancy.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Art Contest 1 - Poodle Girl - Results!

Well, there turned out to be fewer entries than I was hoping for - but I'll admit the scope of the contest probably limited the number of folks really interested in it.  That said, I couldn't have asked for better entries - truly some classy work by some great artists.  My hat's off to all of you.

It's a hard decision, but the winners are:

Side note

Just FYI, I'm very aware that I'm very much behind posting some older (and more recent) commissions - and I will be working to rectify that as soon as possible in the near future.  I'm coming to accept the fact that I don't need a dissertation of explanation with every post - some pics are just better by themselves - no need to get overly detailed on the background for all of them ;p

Will also be posting details on the second art contest very soon - all entries for the current one are due by midnight tonight (pacific time - about 3 more hours).  I won't be staying up that late obviously - not with my work schedule, but anything that shows up in my box will be accepted.  Will also be posting a poll for viewer's choice tomorrow - and by tomorrow night I should have my own choices made for the winners of contest 1.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Art Contest Entry - Mrpersonperson

Now this entry was really surprising - wasn't expecting this at all!  Hope you get as much of a kick out of it as I do - assuming you can see it.  We'll see if I can get it working.

From Mrpersonperson:

Poodle Transformation

Art Contest Entry - EngineSkye

The second entry in this art contest is by EngineSkye (DA, FA).

Fashion Victim
Digital / Paint Tool Sai
An enchanted 80's outfit has strange effect on the wearer.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Cobalt_K - Truth in Advertising

As Cobalt_K just came out and said it: Why Yes I Do Like to Draw Goats - I naturally saw it as a call to action and had to take advantage of his interest in this subject ;p

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Art Contest Entry - FurCo

I'm proud to present the first entry in my Poodle-Girl art contest - and it's a photomorph no less (really gotta get around to commissioning more of these).

From FurCo, I present the following - with included caption:

The Doll Maker
One mafiosa bella donna "takes care of" her rival.
"The Rival"

Art Contest Update - Now Taking All Entries

Well folks I'm back in town...and ready to take on all entries for Art Contest #1. I'll be posting entries as I receive them - but they've got to be in my inbox no later than midnight Pacific time this next Tuesday (10 Aug).

Again, the prizes have been increased due to my unfortunate delay:
1st Prize: $200
2nd Prize: $125
3rd Prize: $75
Audience Selection Prize: $100

And watch this space for details on the next contest - it's considerably broader in scope.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Art Contest Update - Definite Delays :(

Well, as is often the case...Murphy's Law applies. No, not the one about a Smith & Wesson beating Four Aces, but you get the idea.

I'll be out of town on business related matters until the end of July. That means, even if folks send submissions in, I won't be able to review them, much less post them.

So, basically...the contest deadline is being moved to 10 August. At that time I will post all entries in the order they show up in my inbox (thrandrall[at] and then proceed to choose the winners...followed by a week of viewer voting for the fan favorite. The upside of this is that the contest is now worth a total of $400. $200 for first, $125 for second, and $75 for third. With an additional $100 for the viewer's choice.

Additionally, I can promise all of you out there a flood of brand, spanking new commissions when I return - most of which have not been previously posted at least you've got something to look forward to.

I eagerly and sincerely await all your contest entries - and look forward to exhibiting them to the community.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Art Contest Update - Potential Delays

Well, as was posited at the time of the initial announcement, real life does have a way of intruding in our fantasies.

I won't know for certain until tomorrow, but it does look as though I may need to postpone the contest conclusion for at least a month. Not having access to a computer or this account in particular does limit what one can do in that which case, the deadline for entries would also be extended by an equal amount of time.

Stay tuned for details.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Snareser - A Change of Pace.

Nothing particularly fancy here - another excellent sequence from Snareser - actually an old one from last year.  Turned out very well IMO.  I believe this one was originally inspired by some of his "geek to superchic" sequences. 

BlackShirtBoy - Beach Fun

It's always fun to see if I can come up with something particularly weird (not really hard) and then find an artist who can make it work.  So far, I've been fairly lucky in that regard.  Which naturally inspires me to look for more ideas.  Always gotta think of something a little different.

With that in mind, I present my most recent project by BlackShirtBoy.  I'm very happy with how it turned out - always nice to get a project that brings a smile to your face.

A wrongly shelved bathing suit becomes a new opportunity...or does it?

Sample pic below - full sequence after the break.  Please leave feedback.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Arania - A Day at the Mall

Hearkening back to some of my first experiences with TF, TG, etc on the internet, I'm happy to bring back an interpretation of Bill Hart's "Spells 'R Us".  (Reference Links: 1, 2 - no guarantees that all links on those pages are still good).

Working with Arania, I think this has turned out to be my longest project to date - and I'd say that it turned out very well overall.  Inks only for the time being, but hopefully I'll get it colored in the future.  About 3/5 of this has already been posted on Arania's site, but what follows below is the complete shebang - all 53(!) images.

A Saturday at the mall turned out a little different than one couple expected when they left the house that morning...but then, everyone has a different experience when they visit Spells 'R Us.

While I'll admit that some (many?) aspects of this piece are probably familiar to folks following my commissions - I sincerely hope I can say that I surprised some of you with the final outcome - shades of Sarah Jessica Parker!

Please leave feedback.  And please feel free to link to this page - but don't post the pictures elsewhere.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Cluedog - "Double-D Dragon"

Maybe this yakuza thug should have asked himself why he was getting such a bargain on a full-back tattoo from a funny-looking old man wearing a bathrobe...but then again, you tend to get what you pay for at Spells 'R Us.

Cluedog really went all out on this one - above and beyond the call of duty compared with what I asked him to do - I'm truly impressed.  Excellent job portraying the motion...not to mention that the dragon turned out even better than I was imagining.  Original large pic is available here.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Flanker-25 - Glam...A Study in Excess

This one turned out a little differently. Frankly, I'm a little disappointed with it in retrospect. Certainly not with the art itself. Flanker-25 did a great job drawing what I requested, but I think it was really about what I asked for and how specific I got...trying to nitpick a little too much on aspects/outfits at different points. If you look at some of his other sequences, you'll see that the transitions look a lot more organic than they did in my breakdown...course I also went a little overboard on length.

Might try revisiting the style/design again in the future with him, but probably keeping it a little shorter or giving him a little more design control...still bouncing other ideas around too.

Oh yeah, feel free to check out his yahoo group too:

Snareser - Huggably Soft - The Final [re]Post!

I think I've finally come to a solution on pic sizes...technically it was an option previously, but I was hoping it wouldn't be so hard to post the full size pics either here or via photobucket.

Apparently I was wrong ;p  - once more [with feeling] I present Snareser's "Huggably Soft".  I would ask that you not distro these on other sites - please link back to this site for the pics themselves.  Thanks.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Art Contest Update

Just a reminder - about 8 weeks remaining in the first art contest.

I have been a little slow uploading the rest of my older material, but rest assured it is on it's way.  Coming up with ways to do it in better segments.  Should have most of the wrinkles ironed out soon.

Jitensha - Watch what you eat (!)

This sequence is a little weirder than most of mine posted so far.  So much weirder in fact, that I'm putting the full sequence after the break (see also the labels for a full description).  While I still consider it clean overall, I know not everyone appreciates this kind of content.

Originally inspired by this piece by the Gammetelier.  Needed to find someone who didn't mind working the concept in a process format and Jitensha was more than happy to help.

Again, not much of a story to speak of - the first page was actually added as an afterthought (hence the "page 0") to provide a little more explanation/"context".  As usual it started with an image or two that I wanted to see and needed to work something in before and after it.

I'll probably try working with the concept a little more in the future.  I like the digestive treatment transformation concept even though it's barely even been used.  Think it started with a story I read years ago in some anthology - can't remember title or author...then again, come to think of it, that might not have even been the catalyst.  Just one of those weird mental associations.

Still, if you like the idea, feel free to drop me a line via comments or email...

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Cluedog - The Triumph of Dr. Phigbert

Most folks have probably already seen this excellent piece by the magnificent Cluedog - my second collaboration with his excellence.  Like most of my other commissions, this idea started with a fairly simple image or two, and expanded greatly (along with the good Dr.'s bosoms) into this rather lengthy piece.  I believe I had the Victorian/Early-Edwardian setting in mind from the beginning, but the image of the Dr. himself goes back to my ideas of doing a lengthy series of commissions involving additional sorts of products at Willy Wonka's factory - first imagined maybe 15 years ago... Roald Dahl had so much great TF/process/etc content in his books - great for the imagination...

Obviously copyright issues would arise with any named project, but it's fun to think about some of the other concepts and ideas that might come out of it...maybe a good idea for another art contest? ;p 

Anyways, without further ado, I present to you the incredible Dr. Phigbert (and his triumph).  Again, you can download the individual panels at tg comics if you so desire (particularly since I don't think you'll get the full size images here - blogspot seems to have rather few options when it comes to uploading pics).

Again, I don't think it has to be said that Cluedog is truly a master at representation of expressions and emotions and just generally portraying folks really well.  And if you need any more proof of his skills, I highly recommend you check out "Opey the Warhead" - the first 4 issue collection of which is available here for a very affordable price.