Friday, December 31, 2010

More Gift Art, etc

Probably the final art post for 2010 (still a couple more news posts tonight)!  Featuring more photomorphs from nugget in Gift Art.  Speaking of which, nugget would like you to know that he will take requests for transformation subjects (actresses, etc) - provided it's related to mouse/rat, rabbit or donkey.  You can leave requests in the comments section of this thread.

I also have a new pin-up of Mac and Meg on the Growing Up Gecko page.  Hope to get more of them in the next year.  I thought I had a post about this page previously, but can't find anything on it.

As always, any related gift art is appreciated and will be proudly displayed here.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Cluedog - Stocking Stuffers

As promised....a Christmas surprise.  In fact, a little Christmas miracle from none other than artist extraordinaire Cluedog!  Envisioned partly as a sequel to Bust Stop, it also gives us a good opportunity to see Mistress Arianna in another form.  She'll take on whatever look she needs in order to make the sale...and let's face it, wouldn't you rather buy something special from her than from some old kook wearing a bathrobe?

I give you "Stocking Stuffers!" 

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Solios - Slaves to Fashion

You know I had to revisit these characters one more time before the end of the year.  Welcome back Gany and Hank by Solios.

Hank:  “Frankly, all I’m saying is that I can’t really see the point of getting up earlier than we would for class and spending a morning at the shops…that’s kinda the point behind e-shopping.”

Gany: “Because it’s important to try before you buy.  Besides, half the fun is rifling through a neat pile and leaving a mess for some underpaid bimbo to sort out.”

Hank:  “Especially if that ‘underpaid bimbo’ happened to be the TA who gave you a D in bio-chem last quarter?  Not as if any of their standard outfits would fit - all our clothes this year have been special orders.”

Gany:  “Well….yeah – and why does it take twice as long for my custom orders to come in as it does for yours?”

Hank: “I think half the delay is caused by waiting for the stock clerks to stop laughing when they see your reference pics.”

Gany: “That’s the last time you touch my camera.  Now walk faster, I don’t want my coffee to get cold.”

Hank:  (laughing) “Just you wait till my reimbursement check comes…then we’ll see who carries whose coffee.”

CobaltK - Instant Poodle-Girl

Like the title says - no process here.  I've been taking advantage of the holiday cheer and cheap one-off commissions from a number of artists (more on the way) to get a few quickies of some favorite designs ;p

Naturally I had to get at least one more poodle-girl before the end of the year and CobaltK was more than happy to oblige me!

Tres chic non?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

New Gift Art....and More!

A few things this evening.  Up first are some brand new pieces of gift art from new artist Nugget.  No site yet for this artist, but here's hoping we'll see more of them on DA, or elsewhere in the future.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Powerman2000 - Thanksgiving Surprise

I sort of had big plans for this one originally, but I never really got around to writing up anything solid.  Then the opportunity to commission it arose and I didn't really have anything prepared...but I knew what I really wanted to see...a turkey-girl!

(yeah, it was originally intended for a Thanksgiving theme, but I didn't start early enough).  As far as the story itself, I only gave Powerman2000 a bare shell to work with....not the best course of action when you're trying to do a comic - so I apologize for any lack of consistency.  I think it turned out wonderfully, but it's pretty much all down to the artist - I really only gave him the sequence of changes that I was looking for.

Got more on the way from him ;p  And hope to order some more in the future.  Enjoy!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

I'm Back!!!

Updates to follow today and tomorrow!

Thanks for being patient ;p 

Ready to handle donations again.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Out of Town

Meant to post this earlier, but got kept late at work today of all days.  Like it says....I'll be out of town for work all week long.  Should be back by Saturday afternoon.  Basically that means that I won't be responding to much email - limited access via my phone - and most particularly, I won't be able to respond to donations until next weekend.  So, apologies in advance for any hassle.

And once more, I'll reiterate - I've gotten a few donations like this - if you don't tell me which sequence you'd like - either in the paypal note or in a follow-up email, you won't get anything.  I email every person who sends me a donation like this - but I've still got a few people who've never responded.  Happy to send you whichever sequence you'd like to see, but I can't read your mind.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Zanfadar/Engineskye - Now With More Pink!

Like the title says, thought this sequence would look better with a little color....Definitely works for me.  What do you think?  Lines by Zanfadar, colors by Engineskye.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Synthean - So Which One Of Them Took The Placebo?

We have a new artist on display here at Transformation Repository today.  You've probably seen his work around the web before if you're a big animal TF fan.  I'd seen it here and there for years but only recently was able to find his direct gallery location and contact the man himself for a commission.  So appearing for the first time (and hopefully not the last), I present Synthean!

The concept here is a little pharmaceutical trial to see what if anything we can do about that ever-present self-esteem issue that so many young folks seem to suffer from these days.  In this case, it happened to require a counter-example that could be used as definitive proof that the psychological could be purely distilled by the use of a pill.  Perhaps not completely unexpected to the regular fan, the stockholders and board members of TransRepo Industries may be slightly taken aback by the physical side-effects.  But hey - to make an omelet, you've got to break a few eggs!

For what it's worth, the young woman on the right is our project developer's niece - perpetually miserable it seems.  On the left however, is the CEOs daughter - we always figured it wouldn't hurt her to be taken down a notch....or several.  Did we make the right call - let us know in the comments section.

General Update....Art Contest, etc.

Just a few minor notes here:

First off - just about one month left in Art Contest #3 - so keep those pens scratching away!  A LOT of folks have expressed their artistic intentions about this contest to me - so I'm really hoping for a good selection of entries this time.  Let's have a real competition ;p

Remember - art contest entries can be submitted any time prior to the deadline - as early as you want to - no need to wait till the last minute.  I'll post them as I receive them, but I will also post links to them in all future art contest updates to make sure all viewers have a chance to see them.

Next, I'm trying a few more tweaks to the website including favorite posts, additional comments (you don't need to have an account to comment now - but it'd help me out if you could sign them (if on an anonymous login) - prefer to still have an accurate idea about number of unique commenters.  More on that as new projects are posted.

I've also added an additional Donation Art Widget to the side - hopefully a nice combination to keep new visitors aware of all the features ongoing at the site.  Very serious about my intentions to have more sequences available by the end of the year.  Thanks again for the donations and support.

Finally, one cute little Gift Art update from Pink-Diapers.  Be sure to check it out if you like ABs.

And keep voting on what new sequences you want to see - any specific requests about the votes or future requests - post them in comments...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Donation Project - First Month Summary

Well folks, things have actually turned out pretty well for the first month of the donation project. 

Total Contributors:  53
Total Giving:  $577 - $33.47 in paypal fees.
Total for Artists: $179.05

New commissions (complete or in progress) at least partially funded by donations: 4 (at least)

And if you contributed and have had any technical issues trying to download/view any of the files, by all means, please give me a heads up.  I also still have at least one donor who did not list which project they wanted...and hasn't responded to any emails.  If that happens to be you - please drop me a line.  thrandrall[at]

I'm aiming to have additional projects suitable for the project also in place by the beginning of the year - hopefully.  I respond to feedback when I get it so please feel free to drop a line if there are specific things you would like to see - and please vote in the current poll as well.

I realize I haven't really done a great job of advertising this all if you have friends who are interested in this kind of art, by all means, please push them this way...I aim to please by providing some of the best content available out there to match some of the most varied tastes ;p

Lots more to come in this month and in 2011!

Thanks again for all the support!