Monday, December 2, 2013

Fashion Pageant Contestant - Synthean

Well, I would apologize for the late entry...but it's only 6 PM here ;p 

Time flies when you're having fun (at work).

Speaking of which.....

Claudia Calahan is a 22-year old Senior at a university in the Pacific northwest.  She switched her major from entomology to environmental science because she was more interested in saving the planet than studying insects.  Nevertheless, she still proudly displays her large collection of butterflies pinned to boards under glass in the home she rents with two female roommates - both of whom hate icky bugs, and squash them whenever they see one.

Claudia has always been a bookworm, until recently, when she met her current boyfriend - a kindred soul who wouldn't hurt a fly.  As they both near graduation, they frequently hike in the nearby wilderness area to share the beauty of nature and each other.  She discovered La De Baucherie Magique by chance in her travels, and immediately fell under its spell.  Little did she know how very true that was!

Sequence by Synthean.

Invitation by Temp-Tress.


  1. I love how well the artist has a grip on the form of human anatomy and the realistic shading. what an interesting series I'm sure this will turn out to be :)

  2. Really awesome piece! And it's only the second one. I'm eager to see what else you're treating us with.

  3. Can't believe the way the voting is going at the moment... I know it's in an artists best interest to vote for themselves but you got my vote... love your work

  4. Thanks - I'm very flattered! Your Cecilia is gorgeous!

