Sunday, December 20, 2020

Donation Art Holiday Special


In the spirit of the season - and to keep things flowing, I'm listing a special offer on all Donation Art from now through New Years (or I remember to update it).

 Take $2 off each donation art price - that will not affect the amount that the artists receive.

 And remember to check your email after you donate.  I will always email the address on the paypal invoice - unless I get a separate email from you.

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Navetsea - Satisfied Customers Conclusion


Happy Halloween Folks!  Hope you're all having a relaxing weekend.

 This wraps up the great 20 page project by Navetsea - please check out his other material - and his new project at the Donation Art page!


Friday, October 30, 2020

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Navetsea - Satisfied Customers 5

 Reprising old favorites...

 As always, please check out Navetsea's new project at the Donation Art page!


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Navetsea - Satisfied Customers 4


I think this sequence works pretty well with the season ;p

 As always, please check out Navetsea's new project at the Donation Art page!


Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Navetsea - Satisfied Customers 3


The sequence continues - 3 pages/day.

 Featuring my first ever FtM sequence.  (and no idea why tags aren't functioning).

 As always, please check out Navetsea's new project at the Donation Art page!


Monday, October 26, 2020

Navetsea - Satisfied Customers 2


Posting for this sequence will continue all week.  As always, please check out Navetsea's new project at the Donation Art page!


Sunday, October 25, 2020

Navetsea - Satisfied Customers 1


Big apologies again to Navetsea for getting behind on this - meant to start this little set of posts last week. 

 As always, I like to stick with traditions - in this case, now that Navetsea's new project "Consequences" is available on the Donation Art page - I will be posting the previous project "Satisfied Customers" in full here on the page.

And once more - before I forget - if you donate for a project, PLEASE check your spam email box.  Unless I see a note otherwise, I will ALWAYS reply to the email used in the paypal payment.  Thanks!

And without further ado - "Satisfied Customers".

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Donation Art Update - "Consequences"


This post is long overdue and I owe a huge apology to Navetsea for taking so long to prep his gorgeous project for sharing here.


"Consequences" is finally available via the Donation Art page for a small fee - 30% of which goes directly back to the artist.  This project was a lot of fun and covers a wide variety of transformations - also featuring a guest appearance by Mistress Arianna.  

I tried to keep it mostly dialog-free, but I understand that some of it could be confusing in a couple spots - feel free to comment - I think it's pretty self-explanatory though.  

3 individual short stories - 30 pages of tinted monochrome art includes TF, TG, multi-breast, preg, egg-laying, etc.

And before I forget - in my normal habit, "Satisfied Customers" has been removed from the listing - and will be posted in full on this site later this month.

Update: still no way to add my tags/labels - even in a different browser - but as a consolation - if you would like to order any other projects in addition to this one, take $1 off the cost of each additional project.  Thanks!

Friday, August 7, 2020

Upcoming Projects

 Time flies when you're having fun.  I do have another donation project upcoming for release - pending some personal software upgrades.


This year has already been nuts, but always time for some good art.  Stay tuned folks!

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

saturnxart - The Poodle Look

Apologies again to saturnxart for being so late in sharing their work.  This was a fun piece that they gave me a great deal on.  And obviously in keeping with my typical standards ;p

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Wrenzephyr2 - Waist Management

First pics for 2020 - honestly still not sure how many I'll manage to get posted this year - but I do have a new 30 page donation comic almost ready.

A cute, colorful piece by wrenzephyr2 - always easier to stick with the classics.