Well, it is no exaggeration to say that
Common Courtesy has - to date - been far and away the most popular sequence featured through my
Donation Project. It's certainly been encouraging to see fans willing to support and keep supporting the creation of new art by talented artists.
Cluedog and I have another project in the works, although I can't yet give an estimate for it (there will probably be at least one shorter piece featured in between).
As always, I would like to thank folks for their support of the project - it does go a long way towards helping me commission additional artwork and I know that the artists appreciate the additional support as well.
So...at this point, let's just start the posting - a little at a time here - but I'll put the whole thing up for anyone who didn't have a chance to donate for it over the last 4 years. As always, you can always leave a tip in the donation box if you appreciate it - or give a little to another artist :)