Thursday, June 30, 2016

Pink-Diapers - The Playground 4

Continuing our posts of Pink-Diapers' beautiful art!

Your support makes art projects like these possible.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Pink-Diapers - The Playground 3

Continuing our posts of Pink-Diapers' beautiful art!

Your support makes art projects like these possible.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Pink-Diapers - The Playground 2

Continuing our posts of Pink-Diapers' beautiful art!

Your support makes art projects like these possible.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Pink-Diapers - The Playground 1

Now that the this project was retired, it's time to post it on the site.  This sequence began as a rough sequel to "The Bus Stop" but Pink-Diapers really took it all the way for me. 

Figure I'll post a few pics of this one every day this week.  Your support for the Donation Project - including the newest addition - assists in the production of more art like this.

Keep an eye on that ray of's the key to everything.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Note for Donations

This has been posted on the sidebar for years, but since I'm still having issues with this - please read below:

"Please, if you have donated and not received any email links, check your junk mail folder just in case. I respond to every single donation and if you didn't list which project you wanted in the paypal "note" section, I contacted you to verify your choice.

*ADDITIONALLY* - please verify that the email account attached to your paypal account is still valid. If you've deactivated the account that shows up next to your name in the paypal receipt - and my emails bounce back - I have no other way to contact you."


Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Donation Art Update - "Weird AB Tales" - Updated!

So, I thought it would help to update this post with a more detailed preview image that gives a better idea of the various comic page layouts - just a sample of each chapter.

Additionally, I forgot to post about it, but as I pulled Pink-Diapers previous donation project "The Playground" from rotation in order to post this project - I will be posting that project in full over the course of the next week right on the site.

This addition to the Donation Project was a long time coming, but I'm very, very happy with the way it turned out.  I had a few issues with the pdf creation as well, but I think it works very well on the whole.

This new one features art by Dr. Gonz, Pink Diapers and MamaBliss

My first true anthology project.  A strange new condition is affecting women across the world.  We see the first three incidents recorded in detail with a more general look at the eventual worldwide epidemic.  Three individual chapters followed by a bookend/capstone story - at least partially in the format of the classic pulp comics - see also the parody title.  This story dates back at least to mid-2011 and hasn't seen too many iterations/drafts since it's apologies in advance for any conceptual inconsistencies.  Each chapter is illustrated by a different artist - although one of them also pulled double time with the capstone portion.  Increased cost reflects supporting multiple artists in addition to the page count.

47 full color comic pages (48 including cover) in a high quality pdf file.  Multiple slow process sequences involving clothing changes, hair growth, mental changes, AB/DL, some AR.  Limited nudity.

 This one is a little more - $12.50 - in order to support each artist sufficiently - as always, available exclusively through the Donation Project.  While you're on that page, don't forget to look over the other projects available there.  I expect to have more added before the end of the year!

Monday, June 20, 2016

Donation Art Update

Due to work schedule conflicts, the next piece of donation artwork *should* be ready for posting by Wednesday.

Featuring art by Pink-Diapers, Dr. Gonz and MamaBliss:

Saturday, June 18, 2016

The Rehabilitation of Princess - 27

Over the next few weeks Princess helps out more and more at the animal shelter.  TRI isn't that bad a place to work all things considered, but it helps to have another outlet.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

izmollizmoll - Poodle-girl!

A brief break from the comic this weekend.  Of course I meant to post this pic last week, just didn't have the time.

Izmollizmoll's art is always incredibly kawaii and I think their take on the poodle-girl concept is just about perfect.