Saturday, April 30, 2016

Minor Delay

Had a hardware failure scare last night so spent the time backing up HDs.

Should be catching up on posting later today (just finished final exam).

Thursday, April 28, 2016

0pik-0ort - Baker's Dozen 4

"Mmmm - this tastes amazing - but they're not quite done yet.  Looks like just a few more minutes before our first batch of goodies will be ready to take out.  Like I was just saying - a few snacks here and there are fine, but you've got to watch your intake if you want to keep a figure like mine."

"That's not to say that you're limited to making just a few of each item - half the fun of baking a lot of sweet treats is being able to share them with other folks - friends, coworkers, family members and so forth."

"Well, there go her pants.  At least we don't have to blur the image this time around."

 Art by 0pik-0ort

Un-enhanced image after the break.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

0pik-0ort - Baker's Dozen 3

"And we're back from our sponsored messages.  If you're just joining us now, this is our special spring baking episode - where I'm sharing some of my favorite baked goods and pastry treats.  Now obviously it's easy to get carried away when cooking these sorts of sweets.  A little licking the mixers here, a little leftover batter on this spoon and it's all - a second on the lips, a lifetime on the hips."

"At least that's what my mom always said - bless her heart - but it's certainly possible to whip up some amazing goodies and still keep your figure.  It just takes a bit more effort - a little extra time on the treadmill...but more than worth it if you ask me."

Art by 0pik-0ort

Un-enhanced image after the break.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

0pik-0ort - Baker's Dozen 2

"People are always asking me - 'Trina - I don't understand how you stay so thin - especially eating the way you do on your show - what's your trick?' - and I always respond, 'I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.'  Just kidding, seriously...there's not really any secret.  I've been blessed with a great metabolism.  I mean....there might be a few other tricks up my sleeve - but who am I kidding - who'd want to cover up these arms?"

"Ok, now these muffins have been sitting and rising long enough - time to get them in the oven.  And we'll be back after these messages from our sponsors here at TR-I TV."

Art by 0pik-0ort

Un-enhanced image after the break.

Monday, April 25, 2016

0pik-0ort - Baker's Dozen 1

"And we're on in five, four, three, two......"

"Hi there everyone, and welcome to 'Cooking with Trina' - today's premiere cooking show.  I'm your hostess Trina and today we're all in for a real treat.  That's right, today is our spring baking special!  I don't know about you folks out there, but I couldn't be more excited...I mean sure we all love Christmas cookies and cakes and other snacks....but there's so much variety out there and today we'll be demonstrating a few of my favorite recipes."

"As always, 'Cooking with Trina' is sponsored by TransRepo Industries here on TR-I TV and to assist us in today's presentation, we have a new type of quick-rising flour developed by the eggheads upstairs.  I don't know about you, but I've been seeing some rave reviews about this stuff, and I'm really looking forward to testing it out today!"

"Should she be tasting the batter already?  They said this stuff was really fast-acting."

"Relax...I made sure they watered it down properly this time.  This episode will be perfect.  Trust me."

Art by 0pik-0ort

Un-enhanced image after the break.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

The Rehabilitation of Princess - 24

Apologies for the delay in posting.  Been very busy with work/travel the last few weeks and had some technical issues trying to post a week ago.  I do have a new sequential piece by a favorite artist to go up either this week or next week depending on my schedule. 

Turns out TransRepo Industries offers a support group[s] for employees and others who've had issues in the past.

Who'da thunk it?