Saturday, September 27, 2014

Caption Contest 2 - Halloween Costumes

Ok.  Time for a new Caption Challenge.  And just in time for a solid, themed one.

The deadline is midnight 30 Oct 2014!  Just in time to post final entries for Halloween.

This time around, the caption contest is a lot more open - you've got a pretty open selection of images to choose from - and there's no real limits on the themes either - whether TG, TF, mental changes, hair growth, AR/AP, etc.

The concept here is Halloween costumes (or the effects derived by wearing them - although in some cases the costumes may have changed a little too) - through interactions with Mistress Arianna - my original character and/or her establishment - the La De Baucherie Magique boutique - consistent with the previous contest - and it fits the theme quite well. 

[Once again] Fairly similar to Spells 'r Us - she's an ageless/timeless character who shows up wherever/whenever she wants to - hence the variety of pics here.  Not everyone who shops at her store is transformed - there are plenty of normal products to go with the special offers - but it seems to affect a significant number of customers.  Additionally, she's fairly easy going most of the time, but if you get on her bad side...things could happen too.  

I don't want to limit myself to any particular pics in this case - I'm providing a stack of links - I'd prefer to stick to "catalog" or "reference" costume images (or modified versions thereof), rather than any pics of "normal" folks wearing them in other contexts.

A few examples (copy and paste this time around):

And....let's just say...most of the ones here are pretty much right up my alley: 
 (you can get alternate pics of these costumes from Electrique Boutique and other sites - but it's a quick reference ;p)

And...I'll count these for costume purposes this time around:

I do NOT own any of these pics - they're just ones I've picked up across the web.

I'm opening this up to multiple categories for the prizes too.  A few variations from the previous contest - due to the general nature of the pics.

- Best single caption - Any single caption using a one-character pic. ($25)

- Best caption sequence - Any set of two or more captions following a sequence/storyline (can use single or multiple character pics) ($45) - For this option...keep in mind the various versions of costumes for the same "character".

- Best original design and caption - A little different - this category is looking for the really weird/unique/far-out concepts - to include photo-editing/morphing.  Must still conform to all other contest rules. ($35)

I fully encourage you to share this challenge with other friends and artists you may know who don’t regularly read this site.  Any artist I have previously commissioned from – even the same subject matter – is welcome to compete, but the submission must be a new piece.

On 31 Oct, I’ll announce the winners in each category.  Prizes - via paypal.

Now the hard and fast rules:

1.  All work must be the original work of the person submitting it.  No exceptions.

2.  Single captions - obviously one pic.  Sequences may comprise as many pics as desired.  Any captioner can submit as many entries as they desire.

3.  Captions need to be submitted already formatted and attached to the image - I don't have the time or energy to handle the extra work at the moment due to my work schedule.

4.  Limited sexual references will be allowed, but nothing explicit, and no profanity.

5.  All submissions should include the following information (which will also be posted with the picture): captioner's name and site (for linking purposes - if available), intended caption title (for posting purposes - I'd rather not have to make up a title from scratch if you wrote out the caption).

6.  Unlimited revisions are allowed during the submission period.

7.  By entering a submission, you are automatically giving permission for me to post it on the site clearly labeled and identified as an caption contest entry – and although I would prefer to avoid it, if the captioner wishes to remain anonymous, I am amenable to posting their entries in that fashion.

8.  Submissions should be addressed to me: – subject line should contain the artist’s name and that it is intended as a submission for the Caption Contest.  I would prefer to compile all the entries for each captioner in their own post for organizational purposes - so if you intend to potentially submit multiple entries, please let me know up front so I don't jump the gun on posting your pics.

Additional Guidance:
a.  Please proofread your captions in advance for spelling/grammar.  Also please try to choose a font size/color/construction that will make reading easier.  If your caption starts running long, consider submitting it as a sequential piece.  Please try to avoid pics with watermarks too.

b.  Constructive criticism by others is encouraged in the comments section, but *should* be accompanied by suggestions on how issues might be addressed, improved, etc.

c.  I will determine the caption posting schedule as I have time - depending on the size and number, some may be posted sooner than others, but every one that I receive that fits the entry requirements will be posted on the site before the results are posted.

Have at it!

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