Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Rehabilitation of Princess - 2

Our first new (refreshed) look at the main girl herself.  If you couldn't tell from the photo on the first page, that's her younger sister in the third frame.

Story by thrandrall, art by zanfadar.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Synthean - Instructional Video 7

Well, it took a lot of work, but Synthean has finally completed restoration of our training film.  On the one hand, the results are perhaps not out of the ordinary when it comes to TransRepo Industries projects - even for the apparent period - although the success and lack of visible side-effects (beyond the obvious) is a little more surprising.

What do you think?

Sunday, June 21, 2015

The Rehabilitation of Princess - 1

This would have been posted last night, but we had a bit of a lightning storm locally and I decided it would be best to keep most of my gear shut off.

I always like to go back and revisit projects from time to time.  Personally, I liked the way South Pacific Follies played out production-wise - a page at a time without a vast amount of editing.  So I'm giving it another shot.  This concept is a little more tf-focused, although there may wind up being tg elements down the road. 

Consider it a sequel to "My Name is Princess" from way back in 2011.  We'll be staying with just the pen and ink level of detail this time around - but I've already given zanfadar a good 40 pages or so of script - and that's incomplete in and of itself :) - so no idea exactly how long this'll run.

For the moment, I'll just be posting a new page every Saturday.  Like SPF, it is dialog-free, but I think it works well enough as it is - and to be honest, I'm going for a bit more of an emotional/poignant tack this time around - given a little more space/time to elaborate. 

As always, feedback is appreciated.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Cobalt_k - Portraits (1946)

I'm really getting behind with some of these posts - starting a new comic by a familiar artist on Saturday - but this spread of posts isn't necessarily intentional.  Lots going on at work and not much free time lately - although feeling a little more productive/fulfilled at work lately in spite of that.

Here we see Arianna around the end of her South Pacific Follies period - or perhaps just reliving some of the fun in the sun. 

Art by Cobalt_k.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Cobalt_K - Job Opportunities Conclusion

Well, I don't really see any other way this could have ended.  What do you think?

As I mentioned at the beginning - the timing of this will [hopefully] bear out in another project later this summer.  Stay tuned.

Art by Cobalt_K.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Cobalt_K - Job Opportunities 5

I'm pretty sure this isn't how it's done....but then again, why else would they ask if you're allergic to eggs before giving you the flu shot?

Art by Cobalt_K.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Cobalt_K - Job Opportunities 4

Weird huh?  Not what you were expecting?  Or was it?.....hmmmm.

Just how my mind works I guess.

Art by Cobalt_K.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Cobalt_K - Job Opportunities 3

Sarcasm....witty or just plain irritating?  You be the judge.

On second thoughts...maybe not.

Art by Cobalt_K.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Cobalt_K - Job Opportunities 2

A friend turned me on to the [sadly canceled] show "Better Off Ted" - which I watched via netflix - liked it enough that I might buy it.  Some of the characters in this strip might seem somewhat similar in look and/or tone :)  Not wholly accidental.

Art by Cobalt_K.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Cobalt_K - Job Opportunities 1

Well now - about time I start getting back to a semi-regular posting schedule.  This next piece is something I've been bouncing around with for a little while now and wanted to get it in the bag before proceeding with a few other concepts.  Oh and of course it's a TransRepo Industries piece.

If the design seems a little different - the visualized concept is not unlike a bunch of flash-cut edits (like in Edgar Wright's work) snapping from comment to comment, image to image.  Cobalt_K and I had a lot of fun with this one - at least I did.  :)